How do I automatically upload my positions and transactions?

When you click the Add Investments button, select "Connect to broker".

You can use our third party aggregators, Plaid and Yodlee, or our own direct connections to pull in your positions and trades on sometimes a historical but certainly on an ongoing basis.

One point to note is that unlike many other portfolio analytics systems, illio calculates a more precise view of your returns with a method known as time weighted return. For this to be successful we need to import your Positions as well as any subsequent Transactions.

Unfortunately, when pulling information from your investments, not all brokers and connections return the data in a way that can be automatically ingested by our engines. For example, in some cases the data only returns the positions but not the transactions or sometimes the broker doesn’t share the Ticker symbol which makes automated mapping hard.

If the data returned is not as complete as we’d like, you can always manually add your Positions and Transactions using our simple interface and/or Excel template.

You can also help us and other customers by informing us of connection issues/successes through the in app chat. We have a list with current connections and their testing status here.

However, remember that you should not upload your positions and transactions manually whilst having a broker connection that does the same as that will duplicate your positions and transactions.